Earthquake in Haiti

Earthquake should be ban in poor countries. They should only be authorized in rich countries where the building are «anti-earthquake», where there zillion of stuff in stores to eat and drike, where there are facilities to produce medicine, clear water -- where there is alot of water and a big Army trained to help survivors and built new facilities!
Haiti had none of these things! Haiti is the poorness countries in the Northern Hemisphere! Haiti have people, great people with great spirit. They don't own stuff but own their spirit! -- Which is something we need to learnd in rich countries.
The RIH members (Réseau Internationale Humaniste) participated in five missions in Haiti since 2002. More then 10 RIH members from Quebec were trained in nonviolence and want to Haiti to train others mostly young leaders and policeoffice from differents communities. The RIH members pass on the nonviolence practices -- and than the young people passed it on to people in their communities. In 2008, after the Hanna, Gustav -- the young volontaar from the RIH in Haiti contribute foods and schools materials. Now are trying to get in touch with them but have to news since tuesday!
From theses mission you met alot of wonderful people in Haiti. Today everyone in the RIH in Montreal are worried by the situation in Haiti. Obviously we can send money!Make sure the money is send to International Organization like Red Cross, OXFAM, CECI.
Or if you would like to help a village send your donation to Jacmel at :
Les OEuvres Marie-Gérin-Lajoie Inc
2450 Chemin de la côte Ste-Catherine
H3T 1B1
Please specified it's for Haiti. «Les oeuvres Marie-Gérin-Lajoie» help the population in Jacmel with water, foods and medication.
This is what alot of the RIH members and collaborators did!! But can also send your best wishes and well Being for all of thoses who are lost, in pain and suffering and for our friends! The well-being ceremony has desing by the humanist movement. It can be done with people from differents culture and differents religions --. The text was produce from Silo book «the message».
Please take 10 minutes in your day!! to do a small ceremony by sending your best wishes and well being to our friends!
There name are: Richard(La Plaine), Michelle, Andrew (La Plaine), Daniel (la gang in St-Louis du Nord), Paul-Danny(St-Fleur-le grand frère), Ersnt (La Plaine, Fritz(Jamel), Philomène and Fanny Innocent (Fond'wa), Jean-Baptiste, Jean-Louis, Jacqueline.. all for thoses others trainees met during the last 5 years.
If you are sending well-being, it's propose to do it with a small group of friends or colleges. Please put the picture of our friends on your computer and ask a friend to do the part of the assistant you could be the Officiant or someone else, ask your friend to closed there eyes and read the following:
(ps: If you don't have anyone around you could do it alone -- by reading the following)
This ceremony is carried out at the request of a group of people. When possible, the participants are seated. The Officiant and Assistant are standing.
Assistant: We are gathered here to turn our thoughts to those dear to us. Some of them are facing difficulties in their emotional lives, some in their relationships with others, some with their health. To them we direct our thoughts and our best hopes.
Officiant: We have faith that our call for well-being will reach them. Let us think of those dear to us. Let us feel the presence of those dear to us. Let us experience contact with those dear to us.
Assistant: Let us take some time to meditate on the difficulties that they are facing…
A few minutes are given so that the participants may meditate.
Officiant: Now we would like these people to feel our best hopes for them. A wave of relief and well-being will reach them…
Assistant: Let us take a short time to mentally locate the situation of well-being that we wish for our loved ones...
A few minutes are given for participants to concentrate their minds on this.
Officiant: We conclude this ceremony by allowing the opportunity, for those who desire, to feel the presence of those loved ones who, although they are not here in our time or in our space, are connected to us in this experience of love, peace, and warm joy…
A short time is given for this.
Officiant: This has been good for others, comforting for us, and inspiring for our lives… Greetings to everyone immersed in this current of well-being, which has been strengthened by the best wishes of all those present…
-----The end -----------------------------
This ceremony will help you and your friend to cope your «powerless feeling» in front of these event -- if you have Haitians friends around you in Canada or Quebec invited them has special guest to do the well being! If you have kids that have problem to cope with the images they saw on the News -- invited them also -- to send well-being to others kids! If you our a teacher -- do the ceremony in class make sure that to read the text before -- if you have Haitians students ask them if they feel OK to do this kind of experience -- if yes invited them to say to how the well-being from the classroom is send to-- explain to the students that at this moment means of communication have broke down and we wish to send message to our friends and family -- nice images -- we hope they will received it!
Let us know about your experiences! Leave a note on our Blog! Well-being to you all,
Anne -- from the RIH
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